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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Biblical Insight in Marriage Intimacy:
Written by: Christopher ( Husband and a Father )

Many married couples are in drought it's either they are old enough or they are still in middle ages as I observed why is it happening?

most in couples they spend their marriage life very lovable in early years after they get married but I've found out that marriage is a process that needs a lot of work to be accomplish by both husband and wife.

Marriage is not about one day event and after a day it will become an ordinary day, yes it happened to everyone! but as I learned that marriage is a process and a life long journey.

Romantic  ideas  sometimes came in the telenovela that we watch every night that we wish my husband will do the same for you so you might think your husband or your wife Is an actor or actress? though we can get some good set's of examples but in the end having  married for a long time will tell the story itself.

I wrote this story because I know many couple doesn't experience the fullness' of their marriage you know why?

I wrote already the answer!

"Marriage is a process that needs a lot of work to do between the husband and wife "

If you think that there are ideal couples or a couples that you might think they are perfect no it's not!
because many married couples remain happy to their marriage because they are working in progress meaning innovation  and goal setting  stay them together for a long time.

As pastor ed lapiz said " they are not good enough they just know how to forgive each other's mistakes " ( I learned this phrase from Pastor Ed lapiz one of my favorite and respectable Christian pastor in the Philippines. )

Because of the joy of sharing I just want to share some advice of my personal experiences  in my marriage life with the one I love that I hope you may find it practical to do so.

1. Bible reading:

before I got married I search and study what is the biblical principles of God in marriage,  well,..  it's too much to tell about but if you are interested you might search in the Google " marriage bible verses " and I also highly recommend the song's of Solomon it is one of the book in the bible that teaches  about marriage intimacy of married couple.
and you will get all biblical principles why did God establish the marriage.
Me and my wife we've done many mistakes but mistake is a tool for learning process every mistake is an opportunity to make your marriage better and better the more mistakes the more you might need to know more about you marriage life.
The more you know about biblical truth the more you will learn how to love your other half  I don't know if you can relate the meaning of the other half or you forgot already your speech in the piece of paper?

2.  Reading inspirational books regarding marriage: 

Reading is one way of  learning about many things in marriage journey they also give genuine advice that you can apply in your marriage life.

I highly  suggest if you are a husband you might read the book,
" A husband after God's own heart " ( It is a gift that I receive from my wife ;-) )
by: Jim George

I'm not yet finish with this book because it's too informative for me to finish it immediately,  here you will learn too much practical advice  about your responsibility as a husband and a father as well.

3. Love spending:

Spending your  precious moment with your spouse in any possible way make your marriage stronger than yesterday whether it's outing , dating  or even spending time together in your household choirs such as cleaning or cooking snacks will do the same result the important is you spend time because no one can buy their own time, time is free but it is not cheap to spend to unimportant matters more than with your spouse.

4. Application:
Too much ideas and learning without action is nothing!
make sure when you learn something apply it as long as possible so you may know the result of your action and might get a immediate feedback to your spouse marriage is a Gift from God! that you need to enrich and to work it out.

5. Pray together & Pray for your spouse:

Prayer is a powerful tool if you only knew on how to pray for your spouse in secret.
If you think your marriage is a mess don't give up!  the time you give up is the time you lose the journey the more you pray and together with your actions will have a result in the long run just like the farmer did when they sow a seed they wait for the time of harvest.
If you think your marriage is ideal to follow share it and influence the weak marriages  that you know so that they can catch some sort of strength to follow.

Before I forgot! This is the biblical principle that I've seen in the scripture how important a couple to spend time being alone to other places.
And this is my personal opinion going in Hotel after a day of shopping and hanging out in the mall will give the couple an excitement for their personal marriage goals.

Come , my beloved , let us go to the countryside, let us spend the night in the villages
song of Solomon 7: 11
New International Version  

I hope you learned something from me today as I've shared my lifelong journey,
God bless to all my readers. 

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